The fact that there is a whole month dedicated to mental health just goes to show how many of us are affected by a mental illness, whether personally or not . It’s so easy to feel alone, like no one understands you. The world can feel heavy and colorless....but wait wait wait.
You are probably like who is this person talking about mental health. So let me introduce myself. My name is Michelle, also known as Meesh.Life. I’m a NASM certified personal trainer from New Jersey and I have been dealing with mental illness for most of my adolescent/adult life. Most recently being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder in May of 2021.
I have experienced firsthand the devastating and crippling effects that depression has on a person. I know what it’s like to lose interest in the things that are meant to help you and how hopeless it feels. How much energy it takes to get yourself to actually take care of yourself. How easily consumed you can get with your self worth. Trust me, I know. But, here is the thing. You aren’t stuck here. YOU CAN get better by starting with all the little daily efforts you take. Like in...
The way you talk to yourself.The way you treat yourself.
The way you push yourself.
The way you rest yourself.
The way you seek help for yourself.
Fitness will never replace therapy or professional help, but it can give you a fighting chance on your path to recovery.
X3 rest 30 sec between sets and 1 minute between superset 1 & 2