@feelgoodfitnesswithjackie is a real life Mover & Shaker that we admire. She is a fitness instructor and movement enthusiast based in Ireland.
We did a little Q&A with her to learn what keeps her moving and motivated.
What inspires you to be active?
I have always been very active except when my health did not permit it so when I retired I was determined to get fit again and do the things I’d always loved. The feeling I get when I exercise is what keeps me going - even if it’s going for a long walk in the countryside I still get that ‘feel good’ factor.
What is your favorite sport / play activity?
My favourite sport was tennis but now that I can no longer play I enjoy any activity which includes dancing - exercise to music, Fitsteps - anything that involves great tunes!
What do you do when you need to shrug off negative feelings or a bad mood?
When I need to clear my head I take myself out for a walk with my camera - it never fails to lighten my mood as there is always something to see. I’m lucky that I live in a wee village in Co Armagh, Northern Ireland as our surrounding countryside is beautiful no matter what season it is.
What advice do you have for people trying to keep active and keep their energy?
For anyone who is struggling to keep active my advice is to find something that you enjoy - for example, there is no point in me going out for a run as I hate running whereas several friends of mine love it.
Ten years ago, if anyone had suggested yoga or Pilates to me I would have laughed but I’ve been practising both since I retired and I now teach Pilates as well as participate.
Jackie is wearing the Stride 3/4 Leggings & Lightning Mesh Tank.
For more of Jackie, you can follow her on @feelgoodfitnesswithjackie OR on @yellaactivewear!